Implementing an LED signage strategy leads to greater return on investment. Whilst we have numerous sizes of LED signage in stock we are able to provide a customized service to suit the needs of our customers. We hold numerous patents with its products due to very strong investment in research and development. The team enjoys working with our customers on projects, and takes pride in being able develop purpose built quality products, which are not only visually stimulating, dynamic and aesthetically pleasing, but exceed the expectations of our customers.

A proven industry leader with quality, innovation and cutting edge design at the forefront with its product range.
How can we help?
Call us! 702-909-6059
Energy Savings Calculator
Yaham LED Low Power Factor Diode
Proven Performance, Long Term Savings
Aside From Lower Total Cost Of Ownership, YAHAM LED Products
Can Save 30% Or More On Monthly Electricity Costs Versus The Competition
What is your total sign square footage?
- Clients buy directly from our manufacturing eliminating potential risks of third party involvement.
- Handling warranties direct with our Las Vegas office for quick turnaround.
- Comprehensive service including signage design, project management, installation, content creation and much more.
- Ready to ship signs for general use available for global consumption.
- Over 25+ years experience with a team comprised of seasoned veterans.
- Positive track record of multiple successful worldwide installations.
- 24/7 international telephone assistance available.